Literally ChatGPT but colored green.

Because regular ChatGPT wasn't expensive enough.

Teal repackages ChatGPT's generic advice in a pretty interface. OfferPilot offers truly personalized, AI-enhanced career guidance tailored to your unique situation.

Switch to OfferPilot today
Teal logo
Relies heavily on generic ChatGPT outputs with minimal customization.
Lacks real insight into industry-specific job market trends and requirements.
Uses advanced AI combined with real job market data for personalized advice.
Provides industry-specific insights and strategies beyond generic AI responses.
OfferPilot vs Teal

Teal sells false hope. We deliver actual results.

Teal offers a one-size-fits-all AI approach. OfferPilot tailors its advanced tools and insights to your unique career path and goals.

Compare Features
Teal logoTeal
Job Market Grade & Percentile
Industry Role Match Scores
Job Feed
True Job Match Scores
Resume Upgrade
Personalized Growth Action Plan
Personalized Job Hunt Strategy
Application Tracker
Add Non-Platform Jobs to Tracker
Augmented Resume Bullet Points
Resume Builder
Tailor Resume
AI Cover Letter
OfferPilot Logo

Switch to OfferPilot today and see results.

Don't fall for clunky platforms with superficial solutions. OfferPilot is the only platform that offers a comprehensive solution to your job hunt.